Characteristics of Humility

Have no problem asking God and people for help. John 15:5 apart from God, I can do nothing!
When someone mistreats you, God will give you a double reward. John 5:30 i can do nothing of myself, etc.
Humble people don't want to hurt others. Be careful about how you treat people. A humble person makes peace. Gal 6:2 - means put up with stuff.
Humble people don't pressure people to be perfect. A humble person thanks God for their strengths and thanks God for their weaknesses. 2 cor 12:7-9
When we won't forgive or aren't quick to forgive it's a manifestation of pride.
Matt 18:23-25 be quick to forgive. Don't go by how you feel, go by what the word says. Phil 2:3-5, romans 12:2 you will never have real joy until you get rid of the need to impress people and be humble before God.

*NUGGETS are my own views on things I'm learning, going through or hearing on TV or in front of my pastor or that I just want to share.


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