

Ever feel like a “leftover”??? describes it:

left-o-ver 2. anything left or remaining from a larger amount; the remainder


You ever feel like that? Someone left over from a larger group…you know, you don’t really fit in with the “in” group but sometimes on the off chance you do end up with a side line invite to something they are doing. Maybe you feel like a second class citizen?


I’ve been feeling like that A LOT lately…in my family, sometimes in my church family, etc.  Many insecurities are raging inside of me, you must not be a good enough friend, your just an afterthought, you don’t “rank” in my/our group…etc.


Thankfully God knows me, God loves me with an everlasting love, God says I’m right where HE wants me to be. God is my friend no matter if I have any or not.


If your heart is heavy today because you feel like you don’t quite “fit-in”, you don’t quite make the grade, or your looking for some reassurance…stop comparing yourself and go to God. He is the only friend you need!!!


Adapted from my “Because of Jesus” bible study (God is so timely) – You are God’s masterpiece. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. He thinks about you constantly. God loves you!!! What a friend we have in Jesus…He’s ALL I need!!!


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