You & Your Girl ~ A Lifeway "Vicki Courtney" Event

Me & My Girl just spent part of the weekend "away" at a Vicki Courtney, "You & Your Girl" event. It was a mother/daughter simulcast for 5th - 12th graders. The 2 closest churches were a church in Columbia, MO and a church in Springfield, IL...we went to West Side Christian Church in Springfield, IL. It had to be one of the "MOST" amazing churches we had ever been's HUGE!!!

The all day event didn't start until 9am on Saturday but I wanted us to have a good nights rest and some mother/daughter bonding time so we headed out a day can read about that in the post below this one. :)

Vicki Courtney talked about there being "TOO MANY CHOICES" in todays society and it's actually paralizing people & causing depression. People need to overcome the "If I had __________________ I would be satisfied." Stop waiting for the "next BIG thing." There is a God sized hole in each of us that is suppose to be filled with "GOD" but many people try to fill their hollow spot with other things. Jesus is the "Bread of Life" and if we eat of that bread...we will be satisfied. Make time with God and STAY in HIS Word!

Our mom Break Out session was How to Grow a Godly Daughter in an "ungodly" world.

#1) We are all servants...we are working for God!
#2) We must be devoted to the ultimate purpose - We all have different gifts, none of us are doing the same thing & we must rely on God!
#3) We trust God for the results - You can NOT make your kids love & follow Jesus...the results are up to God...ONLY HE CAN BRING GROWTH!!!

3 Levels or things to help them grow:
#1) Impress the Word upon their hearts (Deut. 6:7)
#2) We Weed - Weed out outside influences or bad friends when your child's life begins to go the wrong way/away from God.
#3) We Prune - (2 Cor 7:10) Teach repentance - Find out what's going on in their heart.

Positive Words/Mom's Do to make them feel good:
- Girls that are delighted in, feel accepted & feel loved
- Melt downs = I can't get control of the emotions - most of the time this is due to puberty and you need to let her know this is normal.
- Dad conversations with daughters = 1) Let her know she's valuable 2) Talk about the boy brain and why boys do strange things and think they are funny 3) modesty
-Dad take her camping each year - just the two of them and she gets to pick anything she wants to take and anything she wants to doesn't have to be fishing, etc.
-Teach girls to be kind & honest
-Ho do you deal with disrespect? Call her out and tell her you are NOT going to do that/speak to me that way.
*How to have a deeper/conversations relationship? Fill in the blank "Today I felt ____________ about_______________" I wish I could protect you from all the hurts that you'll face - I can't but I can be the one that you trust and feel those emotions with you. Don't try to "fix" things...just tell her you are sorry and love her. Use the "back door" approach and connect when it doesn't seem so obvious like she's not expected to talk...maybe go for ice cream.
-How much to tell your daughter about yoru past? Be careful that you have the right motive.
-Don't live life with regrets.
-What to do when your kids don't want anything to do with church anymore? (Is it rebellion or crisis of faith?) Make sure that "sometimes" we don't feel like going to church either but we do because it's the "RIGHT" thing to do.
- What new trends or issues are going on right now in the world? Sexting, Anxiety, depression
-Keep parenting with a journey in mind.
-Be confident; Hope & Trust - He who has begun a good work in you and your girl, is faithful to complete it.
-You WILL fail but God loves your girl MORE than you can even imagine!
-Parent out of love - NOT out of fear!

Know when to unplug and when to connect with WHO & WHAT really matters!
The goal is to feed our soul with things that build our faith & fast things that tear it down.

Commit to take the Vicki Courtney 40 day "More of ____________ and less of ______________" challenge.

We had a GREAT time and look forward to MANY more yearly events together!


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