Another "ordinary" day? We'll miss you John...

I'm sure for my dear friend Monica that yesterday was just another "ordinary" day. I'm sure they each got up and the boys got ready for school (or are they on Spring Break this week?). She may have even still been dressed in her PJ's with her fuzzy slippers on working from her home office downstairs that John built her, when she received the dreaded call...the call that has "I'm sure" TREMENDOUSLY altered her life at this point...the call that her husband has had a problem and they are rushing him to the hospital or the call that spoke unbelievable truth through the phone lines...The call that told her that the LOVE of her life has gone to be with the Lord.

Our dear friend John died yesterday from what appears to be an anyerisum or a heart attack. I know my friend Monica (who is currently surrounded by her sisters and family) must be in complete devastation as she and John had one of the best marriages that I have ever been around. As we all sit here in shock we realize that each and EVERY day with our loved ones is precious...never take anything for granted...time is precious and life is so short.

We will miss you John!!! Monica, Richard, Sam & TJ - we love you all dearly and you are all in our prayers...I pray you will continue "even in this" to draw strength from our Lord. We are SO, SO sorry!


Angie said…
So extremely sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Will definitely be praying for his family and you all.

Words are inadequate to say the least, but God's peace and comfort supersedes our expectations. I pray it floods you all.....


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