
Paul wrote Philippians from prison the story is in Acts. This Philipi church started from the prison guards family when Paul was in prison. Like a retirement camp for those who have been in the Roman history. Nero was in charge and a big fire breaks out so he blames the Christians because they weren't honoring his false Gods.


The Christians begin to face persecution. The main theme of this book - Philippians 4:4 penned from Paul in prison - rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and AGAIN I say REJOICE!!!

Philippians 1:3-30
Paul is writing to encourage them.
12-14) The testimony that Paul is sharing sounds foreign to us today. Paul is rejoicing but it has nothing to do with personal gain.

Change our focus to fight for the gospel no matter what and contend for the gospel of Christ to move forward with. This should be the number one testimony that we should LOVE to hear.

Our testimony should be that we are a people contending for the gospel of Christ.


Be in God's presence and be willing to fight for Him!!!


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