Building Godly Alliances

The company you keep and the relationships that you have are going to play a role in your life and walk with God. Alliance with the Holy Spirit - 1) the baptism of the Holy Spirit is only an introduction to Him. The Lord doesn't want us to live day to day without the Holy Spirit...He wants you to have a REAL relationship with Him. The person of the Holy Spirit wants you to know Him more. God wants you to go deeper with your relationship with the Holy Spirit. You need to depend more on the Holy Spirit. The Helper is on the inside of you...don't LIMIT the Holy Spirit. You can limit God's work in you but you shouldn't. Don't let anything hinder the Holy Spirit. Do you believe the word of God more than your external circumstances? The Spirit of the Living God is on the inside of you. John 16:7 Talk to the Holy Spirit FIRST! Pray in tongues about it! 1 John 2:20 Pray in tongues MORE!!! The Holy Spirit is your comforter. Just because you don't see the Holy Spirit doesn't mean he's not there! 1) see yourself how God sees you! What the bible says you are! 2) love yourself! If you don't love yourself it's because you don't know WHO you are! See yourself through God's eyes. 3) Forgive yourself! If the blood of Jesus was good enough for God to wash away sins then it should be good enough for you! John 13:16 To not forgive yourself is to say you are greater than God. 4) you are brand new! When you became born again you became a new creation. 2Cor 5:17 Don't let your past hinder you for what God has/ called you to! Use every hurt to help every women out! Do the people you hang around push you TOWARD God or pull you AWAY from God? Hebrews 3:13 Stay connected to the house of God. James 5:16 2 cor 10:12


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