Dealing with the Supernatural...

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It IS real, it is the substance in which we walk out our Christian walk. It's hard to understand it in the natural. There is no way to walk in Lordship without the Supernatural!!! Don't let the Supernatural be a 'bookend' in your life. What is the Supernatural? What do we need it for? Act 1:8 you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Phillipians 4:13 I can do ALL things through Christ WHO strengthens me! It is impossible to walk in Lordship and complete the calling on your life if you don't submitt to the Holy Spirit's Supernatural power. It is not bound to the Natural laws. It is beyond our natural ability. What is it for? 1) revelation 2) direction 3) protection 4) provision The Exodus had ALL of these Supernatural things! Everything that He does Supernaturally points back to Him!!! Why is the Supernatural and our belief in the supernatural so important? Because it will shape your worldview. As a beliver we can't be the kind of believers that allow the Supernatural/Holy Spirit the stop at the door. Mark 16: 16 whoever believes (that Jesus is the Son of God) and is baptized will be saved, but whoever doesn't believe will be condemned. Buy into the fact that this walk is determined and walked out beginning with a Supernatural event. (the death & resurrection of Christ). I believe a God who is the Only God who desires a relationship with me. He wants to talk with me. He created ALL things with His power alone. I believe He is a Holy God! It reveals that I am so broken and I need Him. I want to walk in Lordship to pay for a sin that I couldn't pay for by dying on the cross and raising from the dead. He sent the Holy Spirit to walk with me. It will be beyond your understanding and there will be Supernatural revelation, direction, protection and provision. This will define your Christian walk. How will we walk in this? Mark 16:17-18 The believers who follow after me will have power. Our lives should be marked with the Supernatural. Personalize it to your life by faith! Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the confidence/substance (being sure) of what we hope for and the evidence (being certain) of things not seen.


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