How to be an Overcomer

How to be an overcomer - there should be constant moving forward. Revelation 12:10-11 You overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony. The blood of Christ redefines you. By yourself you are broken and messed up. The blood of Christ covers, you go from unrighteous, unworthy to righteous and worth. The blood of Christ is payment for sin. A righteous God needs that payment for our sin that needs to be paid for. No blood = no restoration between her and God. The word of our testimony is 2 parts 1) to the truth that I know about Christ, He is who He says He is. 2) I can testify by what He's done in me. What are we overcoming? The wages of sin...I was seperated from God but the blood of the Lamb paid for my sins. The blood covers me. Romans 10:9-10 There is an accuser that stands before God accusing you. Don't accuse yourself of your own accusations of yourself. You have bern given the blood of Christ. 2 Corinthians 7:10 don't miss when the Holy Spirit is dealing with you when you mess up. The Holy Spirit calls you to walk in holiness and godliness. Correction that comes from the Holy Spirit leads to life. Know that you have the blood of Christ and the word of our testimony. He's not calling us to be perfect but he is calling us forward.


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