God blessed my socks off!!!

I have been looking at getting a Dyson for quite a while now. I went to vacuum with my Hoover Wind Tunnel the other day and the roller would no longer go. I decided it was time and did all kinds of research and talked to some people about them. Everyone loves them so I determined where would be the best place to get one. I remembered I had just received a 30% off coupon from Kohl’s so I went there. They were one of the more expensive places but with my 30% off...they would then be the CHEAPEST beating Walmart by $9.

Photo courtesy of Best Buy

Armed with my coupon after seeing my chiropractor we went to Lowe’s just to make sure there was no surprise sale there and then went to Kohl’s.

My Beautiful One wanted to look for a pair of tennis shoes...I generally let her get 1 pair of reasonably priced ($25 or under) pair of tennis shoes per school year. She found a pair of running shoes (she’s been wanting a pair of running shoes) on the clearance rack. The clearance price was $43.99...ugh! Then I remembered my coupon and decided the 30% off would make them about $30 and that was more do-able...the unfortunate part was my coupon wasn’t good until tomorrow...oh no...I need to vacuum TODAY!!! LOL

We went over to where the Dyson's where and there were NONE of the DC25 Animal Ball that I was wanting...oh bummer...HOW am I going to vacuum today??? LOL

We took the shoes she wanted and went to the service desk to find out if they would hold them for us until tomorrow because our coupon wasn’t good until then. The lady said no...she’d just take the coupon off today and we could take the shoes since we were already there...this spurred a discussion about the Dyson that I “REALLY” wanted but wasn’t there. She said let me ask the manager if there are any of those in the back...there wasn’t even a display one of them so I was almost SURE there wasn’t one in the back. Low and behold...there WAS one in the back in the box and it was their ONLY one...they said they would give that to me with the coupon off too...then she said and you know you get $10 Kohl’s cash for every $50 spent today right...I said NO way...she said yep.

So thanks to the sweet Kohl’s associate named Becky, I saved a total of $259.20 and ended up with $90 Kohl’s cash + my 30% off coupon to use still...WOW – What a blessing!!! God is SO good!!!


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