
Showing posts from January, 2011

Fasting Pt 2

Matthew 6:19-21 Food, money, tv are not evil...if he doesn't have your heart, he doesn't have YOU! Don't do it for religious sake. Give this time to God. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me. What to give up and lay down? Know the heart of why we r doing it. Repent isaiah 58:6-9 A heart issue, aligning your heart up with the heart of God. Direction, battles, lay something before God. Man made fast, God made fast Fasting= abstain from all or certain foods -remind your flesh whose in authority. When you give, when you pray, when you fast...Settles your heart. Brings you closer to the Lord. It takes discipline, at the end you will receive the reward of it. It's an external thing to cause an internal work. Between the thing and God *Normal fast- liquid fast *Partical fast - veg & water or get rid of favorite food something you are attached to first few days you might get a headache. Flu...

A Friday Giveaway

Inside Bru Crew Life is having a giveaway. Here are the details but make sure you click over to her site and register for it. Making Friday Even Better! How do you make Friday even better? Sleeping in...Starbucks Coffee...Crafting... OR... With a $55 give away from CSN stores !!!! (and the crowd goes wild...) That's right...a representative from CSN contacted me again about doing a review or giveaway! With Valentines Day just around the corner I have decided to offer this as a giveaway to you my blog readers. It is just a small way for me to say thank you for choosing to read Inside BruCrew Life! Have you checked out any the CSN stores lately? We have been trying to figure out a different way to rearrange our living room. And the only thing I have come up with is that we need a different TV STAND (yup that colored one is a link to a CSN store) to make it work better. I have been looking through all the different ones that CSN offers and there are so...

Being a Stay At Home Mom Missionary

The other day I happened upon a site that talked about being a " Stay at Home Missionary "(Reaching the World for Christ beginning in the home) really got me to thinking. I've been struggling these days/weeks/months with being home and with homeschooling. I love it and all but for some reason I've really been struggling with it all. I'm not sure what's going on. A few months ago the Lord quickened my spirit and told me to "Stand Firm" in what he's called us to do...I guess he was forwarning me as he knew I was going to have these thoughts. Last night at church, I sat in with the kids and listened to each of them talk about school and what they are doing and the classes they get to pick from for next year, etc...All I could think of is our daughter who doesn't do all of that school stuff but WHY in the world am I feeling that way...we have lots of opportunities and get to do all kinds of fun things too. Why do I feel like this job t...

It's time to Begin Getting Prepared

*borrowed from google images Most that I talk to think it's crazy that we are beginning to prepare. For some reason, they tend to think that God doesn't call us to prepare. That if we're living for Him, he will take care of us. There's NO doubt that God is in control of what is going on in our country and in our lives but I believe that God DOES call us to prepare for things. In the Bible he called Joseph to store up and prepare for the famine that was coming. He spoke about the 10 virgins and how 5 of them were unprepared. I believe at least for me and my family that God is calling us to get "prepared". It's no different than having car pray you never have to use it but just in case you EVER's there. There is an AWESOME post written over at New Life on a Homestead's blog and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it with you. Check it out and hopefully you can begin doing something for your family t...

Fasting Pt 1

"WHEN" you the believers life it is a given that people should fast. Fasting for the believer is Not a suggestion. Matthew 6:16 Next Sunday we will begin a fast (Sun-Wed or Sun-Sun) Matthew 16:21-27 The heart of a fast is denying yourself, take up your cross (unto death) and follow's an ongoing process. The practical part of fasting is the denial of self. John 10:10 ; Matthew 6:16-21

A Little Snow Day Organizing...

It's funny how I don't wake up with a list to "do" these things...they just happen out of the ordinary. Laura over at Org Junkie is hosting 52 weeks of organizing. When she started with the first week I said no way...I can't possibly participate in that this year...well - the people that linked up on week #3 got me enticed to 'organize' and organize I did. When my mom died I got a few of her gadgets...and I have my own gadgets already so I really was running out of "room" for all these gadgets. (the Waffle Maker, George Foreman, Crock Pot, Bread Maker, Toaster, Food Saver, and Blender...yikes - that's alot of gadgets...I have more but they are stored away:) The goal was to get all of these gadgets except the crock pot and toaster stored away. While I didn't get pics of these out and about on my counter...they all now have their own home and my counter is BEAUTIFUL. First, I started with the pantry, in hopes of getting some of the can...

Oreo S'Mores Bars

A couple of weeks ago I happened upon a S'Mores Bar recipe from a Remodaholic's Sunday Recipe Link ... Danielle shared this recipe: 1 pkg sugar cookie mix 3/4 c crushed graham crackers 1 c chocolate chips 1 c mini marshmallows Heat oven to 350. prepare sugar cookie mix, use about 1 1/2 c dough mix with crumbs, (save remaining dough for topping). Press into glass 9x13 – bake 15 min or until center rises and deflates slightly. Add chocolate chips across top, sprinkle with cookie dough and marshmallows, Bake for 5 min. Watch so it doesn’t burn. My version...nix the graham crackers and replace them with Double Stuff Oreos... Oreo & 1 1/2c Sugar Cookie mix Baked first time Adding chocolate chips Then remaining 1/2c sugar cookie mix Adding the mallows the "baked" goods Adding some crushed oreos...doesn't look so pretty... ..yum!!! PS. I did have to bake it originally for 25 min and then for 15 on the second round.

Good from Evil

Last night I did a 'bitter-sweet' post on a seperate blog of mine. I'm beginning to blog about some of my "life" story. Last year I met Brit Nicole and she encouraged me to "share" my story...I could only think of the story that was going on in my life at that time but I realize that God would have me to start more at the beginning. (Thanks also to Sarah Markley for your post about Secrets that helped me step out and share this). God has confirmed to me all day today that what I wrote was what I was suppose to write and even led me to Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accompish what is now being done"...In this story Joseph's life taught him that God brings good from evil for those who trust him. Do you trust God enough to wait patiently for him to bring good out of bad situations? I too am awaiting good out of some more 'bad' situations but I do trust Him. God can overrule people's evil...

The Lord our Provider

He provides anything that we need, anytime we need it, what we have need of. Eph 1:17-19 Learn who you are in Christ, what your inheritance is, God doesn't love you more if you do good works but you should do good works helping others because He loves you. Jesus left us things in his will (the word). Know the inheritance that's ours. Go to God first, no matter what we face, God is here. He not only provides financially but he provides strength, ability, power and might. Proverbs 15:15 all the days of desponding and afflicted are made evil (by anxious thoughts and forebodings), but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast (regardless of circumstances). Satan wants you to aspect something bad, he wants you to live in fear, fear is the opposite of faith and it takes faith to receive anything good from God. We open the door to the devil by having fears and open the door to God by having faith. Waiting on God is a spiritually active time (expecting, looking for,...

Living a Life of Peace

What r u suppose to do when you want something or need something??? PRAY! Purposly b thankful. Refuse to murmur and complain. God's will for us is peace. Col 3:15 let the peace of Christ rule. If u don't have peace about something then Don't do it. (don't go there or buy that, etc) John 14:27 peace i leave with you. My own peace i now give to you. Not as the world gives do i give to you. Do not let your hearts b troubled, neither let them b afraid. Stop giving into the demands of your flesh. You have all the peace you will ever need, do not be ruled by your emotions. Pray for revelation on how to access peace and for wisdom to start choosing peace. You being peaceful is more important than you getting your way. 1 peter 3:10-11 ...let him search for peace. Have peace with God, then with yourself and with other people. You can never have peace with people until you can love people unconditionally just the way they are. *NUGGETS are my own views on things I...

The Law of First Things

How you behave in the wilderness determines how long you will stay there. Some people never get out because they complain, to complain is to remain. Trust God and praise him. Do not let the devil steal your joy or use your mouth to complain. Deut 8:2 i led u these 40 years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to see if you would keep my commandments or not. It's easy to worship God on the mountain top, it's another thing in the valley and in the wilderness. Man does not live by stuff, he lives by the word of God alone. God can exalt but can also humble and abaise. God can not find many people that he can give everything to because it has an ability to get ahold of you. Keep things in their right place. Always have time for God. (Read all of Deut 8) your life is not in stuff! If it ever becomes more important than God, he can take it away. Matt 5:24 if u have anything against anyone, go make it right with your brother FIRST. Luke 14:28 calculate the cost FIRS...

Ownership of your Christian Walk with the Lord

john 10:24-28; My sheep listen to and hear my voice, I know them and follow me. When He speaks there is always an action required. (if u don't know his voice by action then u r not following him) Have u been conditioned to hear your pastors voice and not the Holy Spirit? 1 john 4:9-10 He sent his son to as a sacrifice for our sins. All of our things could b gone tomorrow. The only way you can know that God loves you is to experience true forgiveness. Practice responding to him. If u want to know the love of the Father...repent. Sowing into your flesh leads to death, sow into your Spirit for life. See the weight of your sin next to God Almighty! Respond to Him!!! Know His voice and know him, take ownership of this practice and respond to Him. *NUGGETS are my own views on things I'm learning, going through or hearing on TV or in front of my pastor or that I just want to share.

Vacuum Canning Marshmallows

A few weeks ago I happened upon a steal of a deal at my local Goodwill...I LOVE it when that happens! I snagged a deal on this handy little guy (in black) picture borrowed from (that I must confess I didn't have the SLIGHTEST idea what to do with until I hit some youtube videos) Got him for $9.95...I know a steal of a deal when I see it! I bought him for the vacuum part not so much the sealing part. I then purchased the jar attachments and hose so I could begin dry canning some goods that have been hanging out in bags for quite some time. Hope you enjoy this fun little video of our marshmallow canning: Happy Friday!


Galatians 5:22-23 And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness and self control. Having Self control does not mean you can never do anything you want to do, that is not true. It does mean that you cannot eat everything you want to eat for the rest of your life, you can not buy everything you want, you can't say anything you want, think anything you want or do anything you want all the time. Self control is about balance. Stop trying to control all our circumstances, give up trying to control anything else but yourself. You have the fruit of self control in you but you have to use it. The fruit of the spirit starts with Love and love is patient, kind, humble. If I don't have self-control everything else collapses. When you manage self-control you are in control being led by the Holy Spirit. Self control delays gratification. Romans 5:18 adams sin loosed sin on everyone born after that, but Jesus Christ leads to life for all men, by m...


I sometimes once :) participated in Remodaholic's Sunday Recipe Swap. I seldom care what others are making. But this is a new year and I have a new view on's called the get your butt rear in gear view and get cooking, cleaning, organizing, loving your family and living life. It's 2011 already and time to get things going. And yesterday WAS my mom's birthday after all...she would be PROUD of how I celebrated it. (miss you momma!:) So this past Sunday at Remodaholic's recipe swap she shared this Microwaveable Hot Fudge Pudding Cake...I had everything to make it. So in celebration of yesterday NOT being a steak day (click here or on my HCG tab at top to find out what that's all about:) and in celebration of my mom's birthday...I made me some. Here's the recipe: Microwaved Hot Fudge Pudding Cake (serves 2) Combine: 1/4 c flour 1/4 c granulated sugar 1 Tbsp cocoa 1/4 tsp baking powder small pinch salt 1/4 tsp vanilla 1 Tbsp melted...

What you SHOULD do with your Mouth...

1) stay busy blessing everything you have the power to bless. Numbers 6:22-27 the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord watch over you and give you favor, make His face to shine upon you. (the words have to have faith to work) We have the authority (in Christ) over all curses that have been released because of wrong things that have been spoken to you and about you. 2) psalm 100:4 be thankful and say so. Psalm 119:62 David said at midnight I will get up and give you thanks. Col 1:3 we continually give thanks. 3) encourage, edify, and build up - don't commit the sin of omission (not saying what's right). Keep ur marriage good by encouraging your mate. Be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not. Proverbs 15:4 (i will be an encourager - ask the Lord to put it in you heart to say to them to build them up) 4) tell the truth - eph 4:15 speak the truth in love, the bible is a book of truth, God is a God of truth, He only speaks the truth, it's ...

Mouth Talk - The Power of Words

Start calling those things that be not as though they are according to the word of God. Your self talk is important and learn how to meditate on the word. Prov 18:20-21 the power of life and death are in the tongue. Get up and say the Joy of the Lord is my strength, and I'm NOT going to spend the day depressed, i'm going to think on things that are going to benefit me. Do warfare with your mouth, fight for your life, don't give the devil one more day of your life. It closes the door to satan when you use mouth control, watch your words. Refuse to complain, murmur, grumble and find fault. You can be healed through speaking right words. Isaiah 58 says Theres healing power in the word of our mouth. 1cor 3:1-4 (AMP) Start being accountable for your words. Pay attention to how you feel and what you say when others get blessings. Don't hang out with selfish, geedy people, comprimisers (one foot in the world) things you should do with your mouth: 1) stay busy blessing everyt...

The Power of Words...

Words are full of power, they can wound, they can heal, they can minister death and life, they can encourage and discourage, they can build up and tear down. People get divorces over words, families are split apart over words, people lose jobs over words, people get a poor self image and insecurities over words that are spoken over them. Words are a container for power. Choose our words very carefully and be accountable for the words that come out. No man can tame the tongue so we need God's help, pray everyday for God to help you with your mouth. James 1:2 consider it all joy when you fall into trials or temptations...find the treasure in your trial. Find the good. We talk too much about the isdue at hand instead of what God has done for us in the past. Stop saying I can't do this it's too much for me, you need to say that God will never put more on me than I can handle/bear. Help yourself with your words. Your words are containers and have power. Don't talk about yo...

The Practice of the Word

Beyond just reading the learn more about God. John 14:7-10 ; john 1:1-2 1) I just want to see Him. If u want to see God you have to seek Jesus - Jesus is the word so you must seek to know the word. 2) flesh = is i want...your default setting. Spirit = fruit of Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control Gal 5:16-24 ; mark 7:20-23; romans 12:2 do not b conformed to this world, but b transformed to the renewing of your mind. Gal 6:7-9 feed the flesh and reap destruction, feed the spirit (by the word) and reap eternal life. Heb 4:12 the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. You are at war with yourself and the only way to fight is with the word. *NUGGETS are my own views on things I'm learning, going through or hearing on TV or in front of my pastor or that I...

Hope you can find it in your heart to give...

Today we took the day off of school (the BEAUTY of homeschooling!!!:) to help with some clean up from the tornado that just came through part of our local area. It hit about 10 minutes from our house in Sunset Hills, MO on December 31, 2010. There are about 20 homes COMPLETELY gone and 14 families that have either not enough insurance or NO insurance at all. Tomorrow we will be helping to raise funds but it you happen upon my blog...could you watch this video and consider giving to help...God bless you!

Enjoy Your Everyday Life!

The devil is never going to run out of ways to upset us. You have to stop expecting all your circumstances to change and say, "God, change me!" this is a trancition and turning point for the believer when we realize he's actually using those circumstances that we want to change to change us and when God is finished with the circumstance and it has done the work in us that he wants it to do then he will change it. This doesn't mean that the circumstances are all right, fair or are from God but God will use them and that's how he gets good from evil. All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Romans8:38. What men mean for harm, God means for our good. Numbers 21:4-5 the people became discouraged and grumbled and complained against God because of their trials. This is a test and i'm going to pass it. James1:2-3 our soul has to be crucified to trials to bring junk out of ourselves. Stay stable will you watch t...

Heart Test - Don't Complain!!!

You never get to fail God's test, you just get to take them over and over again until you pass it. Psalm 7:9 God tries and tests us (he doesn't tempt us) and he's right in doing that. How do you test something? By putting pressure on it, by requiring it to do what it says it can do. It's important how we behave during hard times. No one gets excited about final exams but you don't get promoted until you pass those tests. The more stable you become the more he'll be able to trust you with. Do what God wants you to do, be what he wants you to be and act how he wants you to act. The devil knows what bothers you and he sets you up to get you upset. Deuteronomy 8:2 Some of us are making our journey longer than it should be, the wrong heart attitude, mind set, words and thoughts. You don't need the power of the holy spirit when things are going right, we need him in times of trial and testing. Habakkuk 3:17 - 19 (though i lose my job and grocery prices go ...

Bread Making - The Survival Mom's "Skill of the Month"

This morning I hopped on my popular Survival Mom's (whom I saw previously on Glenn Beck's tv show) website. With the new year comes new ideas and information to get people moving and motivated. The Survival Mom is handing out skills that she feels are useful for us "preppers", "survivalists", "Survivor Moms" etc. - Each month she will post a new skill...this months skill is "Bread Making". Her thoughts are that making bread is an "Everyday, Practical Skill". When my mom died (miss you momma:) I inherited her Oster Bread fact I inherited ALOT of her gadget type machines and am currently wondering what in the world to do with them all. So first things first...FINALLY...after 2 years of looking at the bread machine...I'll make bread. I decided to take her Skill of the Month challenge and see what this thing can do. I searched for the recipe from the site since my dad didn't have the book. I st...

Guard Your Heart...Are You A Fig Tree That Has No Fruit???

A presumptuous heart presumes they can do something better than someone else. A hypocritical heart tells everyone else what to do but doesn't do anything themselves. Ask yourself - do i have bad attitudes? What am i doing to make someone elses life better? Let God choose your friends. What's in your heart? When u leave your gift at the altar but know someone has ought against you, go to them and make things right then give your gift. Matt23:24-28 John 4:23 worship in spirit and in truth. Do u come to church to worship or are you a worshipper who lives a life of worship? We live in a world of hunger, people who have needs in their spiritual and physical lives. When a fig tree gets leaves(the bumper sticker, the t shirt, etc, etc) they are suppose to have fruit under their leaves. Do I have fruit under my leaves? *NUGGETS are my own views on things I'm learning, going through or hearing on TV or in front of my pastor or that I just want to share.

Chocolate Lovers Magic Cookie Bars

Growing up my mom (miss you momma:) was a FABULOUS cook & baker. She made almost everything from scratch and I so wish she would have taught me instead of just doing it all by herself. (mental note to self - start getting Heather involved in the kitchen before these years pass us by) Mom always made Christmas cookies which were good but one year she got ahold of a recipe for "Magic Cookie Bars" - you probably know the ones I'm talking about as they've showed up in recent years in a box by Eagle Brand . I decided to give them a try this year making them from things I already had in the kitchen. I don't typically buy graham crackers as no one really likes them here unless we're having S' I searched for something that would be a yummy substitute and figured Double Stuff Oreos couldn't fail me. YUM! Here's my version - tweaked for the Chocolate lover: 1/2 c butter 1/4 c light brown sugar (packed) 2 c Double Stuff Oreos (crushe...

If Church Shut Down...Where Would Your Walk With Christ Be?

If church shut down, where would ur walk with Christ be? Most peoples walk would fail miserably. U have been conditioned to believe that "this, going to church" is your experience of walking with the Lord. We r still called to break bread with one another, pray with one another and get together with other believers. We have got to take the Sunday practices into our homes. If u don't have ownership of practicing Christ then they aren't yours. Does your practice of Christ shape your life? Church should not b a place that you come to get filled up. What happens on Sunday will not last you for a week. We r servants one to another. John 4:23-24 Worship in spirit and in truth. Worship is not about music, it's about recognizing that God is God and I am not...putting him in his place and me in mine. Psalm 90-100 & 104 are worship psalms. *NUGGETS are my own views on things I'm learning, going through or hearing on TV or in front of my pastor or that I jus...

Recipe Index

Bread: Bread Maker White Bread Dessert: Chocolate Lovers Magic Cookie Bars Microwave Hot Fudge Pudding Cake Oreo S'More Bars