A Friday Giveaway

Inside Bru Crew Life is having a giveaway. Here are the details but make sure you click over to her site and register for it.

Making Friday Even Better!

How do you make Friday even better?

Sleeping in...Starbucks Coffee...Crafting...


With a $55 give away from CSN stores!!!! (and the crowd goes wild...)

That's right...a representative from CSN contacted me again
about doing a review or giveaway!

With Valentines Day just around the corner
I have decided to offer this as a giveaway
to you my blog readers.

It is just a small way for me to say
thank you for choosing to read
Inside BruCrew Life!

Have you checked out any the CSN stores lately?

We have been trying to figure out
a different way to rearrange our living room.
And the only thing I have come up with is that we need
a different TV STAND
(yup that colored one is a link to a CSN store)
to make it work better.
I have been looking through all the different ones
that CSN offers and there are some pretty awesome ones out there.
I just have to make a decision...

Now what can you do to win?

1. Be a Follower here (old or new) if you are just a casual reader, now would be the time to make the commitment to this blog:-)
2. Check out CSN and tell me what item you would use the money on
3. Post the giveaway on your blog

Do any or all three of these...
obviously the more you do the better your chance of winning.
Please leave me separate comments with what you did for an entry.

You have until next Friday, Feb. 4th to enter...
Good Luck:-)

Don't forget to go to Inside Bru Crew Life


Domestic Diva said…
I follow on gfc

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

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